
Диплом СГАУ

- Payment - all calculations prepayment.
- I live in Gusev, Kaliningrad region.
- E-mail:

I am looking for a job as a programmer.

Now I work for:
- 2 euro at one o'clock. - 1000 rubles. (10 euros) per day.

- 20,000 rubles. (300 euros) a month.
- Website - CMS in the standard design with a domain RU - 600 rubles (15 euros).
- Talking on the phone - 250 rubles. (3 euros) per hour. Better to write letters.

Examples sites. (This is not a portfolio. This work sites profitable from the sale of advertising):


Looking for a job as a programmer - 2 euros per hour

Work examples:

Writing a module for a real estate site in Yii:

everything is completely written. Slider, object busy calendar, adding to comparison lists, feedback in a modal window. Completely my layout with color change in the admin panel.
Self-written search engine:

Written by me purely for example. For a summary. There are only about 20 sites in the database! But the base is replenished and fully functional.
An analogue of Booking - only with much more functionality: The demo entrance there is closed by the client - so we just have to watch the video - which is below
Example code: Hook when enabling a module on Drupal
Part of the Query to the database, sorting:

ORDER BY `lng`, IF (prinadlezhit = 1, id, prinadlezhit), CASE WHEN prinadlezhit1 THEN sort END

Classic resume:

- I live in Kaliningrad;
- Telegram chat: - almost always
- Telegram: - almost always
- E-mail: ;
- Tel: +79210083854;
- Viber and Telegram: +79216030476;

- Programming experience - over 5 years;
- Experience in php, perl, mySQL - over 5 years;
- JS - 3 years;
- layout - more than 5 years;
- C ++, Java, Python - less than a year, for a desktop.
- collection and processing of information from the Internet;
- Generation of pdf-documents "on the fly", in the program;
- Specialization - Drupal (level - writing modules) - 10 years;
- I have experience working with frameworks - writing modules in Yii for about 3 years;
- I know OOP, I write;
- I work only on a prepaid basis.
- I do test tasks - 2 euros per hour;
- I also fill out the questionnaire - 2 euros per hour;
- And even on Skype I communicate - 2 euros per hour;
- Tech Assignment for Email is the best and free option;
- example code:
- English - IELTS 3. Reading with a dictionary;
- I can't hack Captcha. I do not take prohibited information from sites;
- the best way to obtain technical specifications is

Video answer to the question: What have you been doing at work recently

Main menu

Ongoing work in the office is also being considered.